PhD Ani Epitropova
University of Plovdiv ‘Paisii Hilendarski’, Bulgaria





Teaching Earth Science through Visual Tools


Keywords - Earth science, visual tools, ethics in science education, teacher qualification


This article presents the theoretical framework, methodology and results of the educational project titled “Earth science in primary school”. The intention of the project is to promote student-centered strategies in primary science education in particular: Earth science by developing the teachers’ competency and self-confidence by using varied visual tools.

Theoretical framework

The aim of primary science education according to the Bulgarian syllabus is to satisfy pupil’s needs to learn and become acquainted with the surrounding environment and to continue an all-round development of their personality. To achieve this aim the educational process works in three basic dimensions: formation and development of knowledge, skills and attitudes in the context of science-technology-society (STS) approach. The ethical dimensions are quite valuable in this process. They include the development of personal qualities and attitudes as curiosity, respect for evidence, critical reflection, open mindedness, sensitivity to the living and non-living environment, co-operation with others. Children are encouraged to develop informed and reasoned opinions on the impact of science in relation to social, environmental and ethical issues. They should be involve in activities committed to participate responsibly in the  conservation of natural resources and the sustainable use of the Earth’s resources in local and global level. All those attitudes in their more mature forms are characterized by autonomy, the ability to see things from other’s point of views, regarding rules as the agreement between people involved.


Visual forms of communication are a significant part in modern life. The language of visual communication is a quite convincing one. It comprises colors, figures, symbols, and structures. These are grouped to form pictures, photographs, symbols, signs, tables, and diagrams. The hypothesis of this research is that the visual tools make understanding easier for all students, help the teacher to explain better Earth science in primary level and focuses on important ethics issues. The traditional teaching methods emphasize learning facts and producing single correct answers. An alternative way, that we believe is better, is to stimulate students to explore data in order to figure out conceptions, ideas, and develop attitudes especially ethical ones. The educators have the most important role in assisting students to develop their thinking, knowledge, and attitudes by providing the necessary support. As part of it in this project the value of visual tools is discussed for the development comunication between learners, stimulus for small group discussion, better understanding of main concepts and ideas in Earth science and developing of ethical attitudes.

The visual tools used in the research are fishbone and circles diagrams, Venn diagram, identification keys, sequence and KWL charts and presentation software. In the research two questions are addressed: (1) What effect does this visual tools have on pre-service teachers achievement in Earth science? (2) How does this project affects on pre-service teachers’ professional development?



Pre-service teacher students in the seventh semester of Bachelor program for primary teachers participated in this project. The educational activities on the project develop attitudes, process skills and better understanding of knowledge about teaching Earth science on primary level. The acquired as a result of this project competence will enable the accomplishment of more effective science education.

Three cooperative learning groups with four students each were selected with input from the students. The subject content consists of the listed topics:

1        The Earth in Space

2        Soil as mixture of materials and changes in soil fertility by human activity

3        Rocks and materials from the Earth as materials that cannot be replaced

The learning objectives for pre-service teachers are:

·        To develop students knowledge and understanding of Earth science and ethics attitudes

·        Be introduced to and identify the use and value of visual tools as Venn diagrams, fishbone and circle diagrams, identification keys, sequence chart, and KWL charts.

·        Get acquainted and identify the value of those visual tools for development of ethical issues, communication between learners, stimulus for small group discussion and other important aspect in science education.

The necessary ICT knowledge and skills for Power Point presentation includes: routine maintenance and connecting equipment as computer, digital camera, multimedia projector, and printer; ICT in locating and using resources; making the connections between subject schemes and lessons plans; using presentation software.

Each group constructs a multimedia presentation, including:

(1) Designing the title page and writing, editing, and revising the introduction of the topics (2) Guided research to locate information on the topic using CD encyclopedias, Internet recourses; personal observation and study, specialized bibliography.

 (3) Preparation of a slide show with text, visual tools, scanned pictures, transferring images from a digital camera to the computer and integrating them in a Power Point presentation;

 (4) Publication of slide prints as handouts for pre-service teacher portfolio.

Assessment was done through the production of a portfolio of materials that demonstrated the ability to the meet project aims and questioners. Portfolio, is an evaluation tool that promotes effective learning and respond to the evaluation needs. (Lyon, 1998)  Through it can easily acquire qualitative characters and also includes elements of self -evaluation and recognition.

Examples of Tasks and Activities

The past twenty years had been made radical changes in the way of communication and exchange of information. The media technology has provided a very visual form of communications. Every day we use symbols to represent abstract concepts, icons for instruction on the mobile phone and computer screen. Ideas are put in to charts or diagrams. In Earth science education there are many ideas, concepts and relations that could be better understand and achieve using visual tools.

In many up-to day textbooks, teacher books, and activity books we can see multifarious visual tools. For achieving the objectives of science education many of them are very useful. The tasks in this project train pre-service teachers to use them effectively. Here are some example of the tsaks.

Task 1

Venn diagram is visual tool of sorting things into groups or to compare and contrast things. Characteristic both things share are listed in the overlapping parts of the two circles. 

What for teacher and students can use Venn diagram in Earth science education?


Fig.1. Example of Venn diagram - ‘Crystals and Glasses’



Task 2

Look at examples of Cause and Effect Chart  /Fig.2/

A cause-and-effect chart shows the relationship between causes and effects. It can be shown how multiple causes lead to one effect or how one cause leads to several effects.

What for teacher and students can use those visual tools? Discuss the example on figure 2. Draw your own diagram about effects of mining.



Fig. 2



Task 3

Classification Keys are used to sort thing into their correct group and to identify them. Key can be numbered or branching. Some key are very simple with just a few things. They are easy to use. Look at the objects you want to identify. Then answer each question in turn with yes or now and follow the instructions until you come to its name. On the fig. 3 are examples of branching key.

Fig. 3 Key for describing and naming fossils





Peruse it and discuses in group:

What are the characteristics of this Identification key? What kind is it numbered or branching?

Describe what knowledge and skills students need to use this key for identifying objects?

Homework: Find out in textbooks or other sources examples of keys. Can you use them in your lessons? When and How?

Try this! You could use drawing program on your computer to design Identification Key.


Task 4

KWL chart helps students form purposes for learning. The name of the concept being studied goes to the top of the chart. The first column is for recording what students know about the concept, and the second column is for recording what they want to know about it. In the last column, students record what they have learned after they have completed the unit.



Topic  The Solar System


What you know


What you want to know


What you learned

Earth revolves around the Sun.

There are other planets in our solar system.

What are the other planets?

Do other planets have moons?



Draw table like this about topic ‘Types of materials”.


Task 5

The natural cycles are visual tool for teaching natural phenomena that has cyclic recurrence. They can help students understand ideas by taking an abstract concept and giving it a semi-concrete form. Students can explore them to understand water cycle, the seasonal cycle, and the seed life cycle. The natural cycles are two-part cycle and four -part cycle.

 Fig. 4



Draw the Seasonal Cycle to explore this activity. Suggest other natural phenomenon that could be presented with this visual tool.

As a final activity in the project each group of students prepare their own Power Point presentation containing all designed teaching materials and evidence of work has been done.


The summary of the pre-service teachers’ opinions during the various stages of the project and the results presented in their portfolios allows us to draw the following conclusions:

Pre-service teachers considered the process of learning as very successful, full of actions, new as an approach and as a style of communication, eligible for primary science teaching, fitting to the Earth science content.

In the Questioner the pre-service teachers reported that the content and the active approach on witch the project was done had been new and attractive to them. They recognized the value of those visual tools for developing Earth science knowledge and ethical attitudes.

The students demonstrated appropriate knowledge, understanding and ability to apply effectively those visual tools in Earth science at primary school level.




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Blake, A. (1998) Running a school geology club. Primary Science review.  Spring, N 9

Lyon, N. (1998). With Portfolio in hand: Validating the new teacher professionalism. New York: Teacher Collage Press

Tindal, B. (2002), EyeQ. Teaching Thinking, Autum



PhD Ani Epitropova

University of Plovdiv ‘Paisii Hilendarski’, Bulgaria