Bayko D. Baykov*, Vassil Rangelov*, Kiril Kirov*, Botyo Zaharinov*, Irina Popova*, Hristo Hristev**, Dimo Penkov**

*New Bulgarian University, Science Research Institute of Ecology and Sustainable Development, 21 Montevideo Str., Sofia1618, Bulgaria
**Agrarian University, 12 Mendeleev Str., Plovdiv 4000, Bulgaria







The aim of this research is to determine the influence of high techno-geneous klarck of lead and cadmium in soil, which is the result of mining and ore treatment, on the quality of secondary (biological) production and to determine the risk for human health and ecosystems.


Keywords: lead, cadmium, secondary (biological) production, bioaccumulation, xenobiotics


At the end of the 19th century Klarck proved that lithosphere is chemically heterogeneous. In 1934 Fersman offered a quantity criterion for assessing this heterogeneity - the klarck unit. According to Dobrvolskii’s data /1984/ in the last few decades a rising problem, related to human health and ecosystems, is the increased techno-geneous klarck of many toxic elements in soil. For Bulgaria the most important toxic chemical elements are lead and cadmium. According to the Ministry of Environment and Water/MEW/ high content of the two toxic elements, a risk for human health, is determined in 477 dka agricultural land/soil/. The characteristics of toxic elements’ movement along the trophic chain should be considered for risk assessment of their high content in the ecotopes. In the 20th century Vernadsky discovers the chemical heterogeneity in the biotic components biosphere too. This means that there are differences in the quantities of the researched elements not only in lithosphere, but in living organisms too. Research till now was carried mainly with a view to determine the degree of concentration or dispersion of chemical elements in autotrophic organisms in comparison with their quantity in lithosphere. The ground for such approach is the fact that 90% of living matter is represented by autotrophic organisms (Reylly, 1980; Kabata-Pendias and Pendias, 1984; Dobrovolskii, 1984, 1998, etc.). According to Dobrovolskii (1984), in plants of ground ecosystems concentration of lead is of order n, which means that the quantity of this toxic element in autotrophic organisms theoretically is 1 – 9,99 times higher in comparison with its quantity in soil. For cadmium the value is 0,1 n or this means that dispersion exists in the range from 0,1 to 0,99 times in comparison with its quantity in soil. For cadmium the value is 0,1 n or this means that dispersion exists in the range from 0,1 to 0,99 times in comparison with its quantity in soil. It is important to research the bioaccumulation of toxic chemical elements along the trophic chain in order to assess the influence of their increased techno-geneous klarck on human health and ecosystems. The term bioaccumulation defines the selective accumulation of toxic substances (chemical elements or compounds) along the food chain. During the period after the sixties bioaccumulation of some pesticides and especially of organochlorine compounds was thoroughly researched. Hebel and Wrigt (1996) summarize the results of this research: if the quantity of DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) in lake water is 1 unit, it is 10 000 units in phytoplankton, 1 000 000 units in herbivorous fish and 10 000 000 units in predatory fish. Research on bioaccumulation of p-dioxin in ground and water ecosystems in South Vietnam shows that this extremely toxic compound, which concentration in soil and water ranges from 0,01 to 0,001 ppm, reaches values that cause diseases in farm animals and they have carcinogenic, mutagenic and neurotoxic effect on people that consume food obtained from such animals (Petkov and Baykov, 1984). This phenomenon, for some unknown reason, is mechanically transferred to the accumulation of toxic chemical elements. In scientific literature it is even admitted that the degree of bioaccumulation of toxic chemical elements is comparable with that of xenobiotics.

Our previous research indicates that food is the main source which is responsible for the import of these toxic elements in the organisms of humans and animals/99%/, water/1%/, air/0.03%/.

In the present research we aim to assess the risk for human health and ecosystems of the increased techno-geneous klarck of lead and cadmium by analyzing their bioaccumulation along the trophic chain in the following directions:

1.       using the criterion “Bioconcentration factor” (BCF), proposed by our team (Baykov, 2003), to analyze the bioaccumulation of lead and cadmium in primary and secondary production in a grazing ecosystem with antropogenically increased klarck of lead and cadmium

2.        To apply a new criterion – criterion of safety (CS) for assessing the accumulation of the two toxic elements in tissues of heterotrophic organisms with a view to their qualities as food resource for humans.


Materials and Methods:

Research is carried out in two ecotopes: ecotope1- the klarck of lead and cadmium is techo-geneously increased from mining and ore treatment and ecotope2 – the klarck of lead and cadmium is normal for Bulgaria. For assessing the risk for human health and ecosystems of the increasing concentration of the two toxic elements along the trophic chain, experiments were carried out with equal groups of kids (Capra hircus) bred in the two ecotopes with different klarck of lead and cadmium from their birth till their 70th day (1st technological phase). A typical for the region plant community is formed for studying the chemical heterogeneity at the first trophic level (the autotrophs):  30 % graminaceous plants, where the following species prevail - Andoropogon ischaemum, Poa bulbosa, Festuka ovina; 5% legumes of the species Genista tincoria, Onibrychis arenaria, Sanguisorba minor; 55% grass plants, including the species Euphorbia cyparisias, Tecrium chamaedris, Thymus Montana, Filagi germanica, Sclerantus annus, Verbascum thapsiformae, Eringuim campestre, Sempervivum patens; 5% shrubs - Juniperus communis , Rubus idaeus, Caprinus orientalis; and 5% trees - Pinus silvestris.  Samples have been periodically taken from the plant community as each sample includes graminaceous plants, legumes and grass plants.  The kids have been studied for: biomass, forage consumption, health condition, and slaughter indexes. Soil from the surface soil layer, pasture grass and hay, muscular tissues, liver and kidneys have been studied for content of lead and cadmium applying the method of Jorchrem/1993/ using AAS Perkin-Elmer 4100 type.

The chemical heterogeneity of soil has been determined using the klarck /К/ unit which is defined as a correlation between the quantity of the examined chemical element in 1 kg dry soil and the average quantity of the element in Bulgarian soils. For autotrophic organisms the chemical heterogeneity has been determined using the criterion - Bioconcentration factor (BCF), which (unlike other researchers think) according to our previous research /Baykov, 2003/ should be calculated as a correlation between the quantity of the chemical element in 1 kg dry plant biomass / not ashes as some researchers recommend/ and the quantity of the chemical element in 1 kg dry soil. At the first heterotrophic level we applied differentiated approach. BCF is determined at two levels: BCF1 = quantity of the chemical element (in mg) in 1 kg dry biomass from the secondary production / quantity (in mg) in 1 kg soil; BCF2 = quantity of the chemical element (in mg) in 1 kg dry biomass from the secondary production / quantity (in mg) in 1 kg forage.

Using a new criterion - criterion of safety (CS), we assessed the accumulation of the two toxic elements in the tissues of heterotrophic  organisms, considering their qualities as a human food resource.


Results and discussion:

Chemical heterogeneity data is presented in table 1 for the two ecotopes and for the two trophic levels. When determining the degree of concentration at the autotrophic level the klarck is calculated as a correlation between the content of the chemical element in one unit dry sample biomass and the content of the same element in 1 kg dry soil. We take soil as a bio-structural body which is different from lithosphere.

Experiments are carried out in two ecotopes: a region anthropogenically contaminated with lead and cadmium (First ecotope) and a region without any anthropogenic changes of the chemical content of the surface soil layer (Second ecotope). Studying 24 soil samples from the 0 – 20 cm horizon, we have determined that the average quantity of lead in the First ecotope is 118 mg/kg and of cadmium 3,44 mg/kg; in the Second ecotope the quantity is respectively 25,3 mg/kg and 0,42 mg/kg. The average quantity of lead in Bulgarian soils is 25 mg/kg and of cadmium – 0,07 mg/kg (according to data in 2002). The concentration klarck of lead in the First ecotope is 4,27, and in the Second ecotope it is 1,01 (equal to the average value in Bulgaria). Corresponding values of K for cadmium are 49,14 and 6,0.

Analysis of literature shows that the content of cadmium in many regions in Bulgaria is high but that’s not a result of anthropogenic pressure and techno-geneous changes in the distribution of chemical elements. Research on soil forming rocks gives ground to affirm that the increased klarck of cadmium in the second ecotope has a natural origin.

Data in Table 1 shows that there is dispersion of cadmium and lead at the autotrophic level. Dispersion of the two studied elements is determined at the first heterotrophic level as well. Dispersion was calculated using BCF1, regarding the chemical elements’ quantity in the ecotope. For determining the chemical heterogeneity regarding the preceding trophic level we propose a second criterion as well / BCF2 /, which is calculated by dividing the quantity of the studied chemical element in 1 kg dry biomass to the quantity of the same element in 1 kg pasture grass or concentrated forage. In table 1 data for BCF2 is presented taking into account the herbaceous (grass) community in  each ecotope. BCF2 for cadmium in both groups is around 1 in kidneys, BCF2 for lead is 1.49 in the second group of animals. In all of the other cases a dispersion of cadmium and lead exists, determined according to the BCF2 criterion.

BCF1 is a fundamental criterion for bioecological monitoring. Analysis of the obtained results shows that for both autotrophic organisms and primary bioconsumers BCF is lower in the groups bred in an ecotope with high klarck of cadmium and lead in soil.

Analyzing the bioaccumulation of lead and cadmium in the organisms of kids, bred in ecotopes with different klarck of the two chemical elements, we register differences in their bioaccumulation compared to that of xenobiotics. Xenobiotics are characterized by progressive increase of their concentration at each trophic level. Using the criterion BCF1, it is seen that in the examined organs and tissues of kids a considerable dispersion of both toxic elements exists compared to their quantity in soil. It is determined that in the group of animals bred in ecotope I (with anthropogenically increased  klarck of lead) the degree of concentration is considerably lower in comparison with that of animals bred in an environment with normal quantity of lead in soil (ecotope II). This characteristic is expressed well when analyzing the bioaccumulation of cadmium. BCF1 in kids’ liver from ecotope I is 0,14 and for kids bred in ecotope II - 0,40. In kidneys the corresponding values are 0,15 and 0,71, and in muscular tissue 0,03 and 0,14. We put the accent on the analysis of BCF1 because we take that a trophic chain forms in a biocenosis and it is a biological macro system of elements connected by trophic bonds.

Nevertheless we calculate BCF2 as an additional index – this is the correlation between the quantity of the studied element in the studied sample (liver, kidneys and muscular tissue) and its quantity in pasture grass. We point out the conditional character of the obtained results as we are aware that the animals have consumed grain forages which have chemical content in accordance with the requirements of Decree No 5 for both groups of animals. That’s why we exclude the imported quantities of lead and cadmium by grain forages and we put the accent on the research of the classic grazing trophic chain. We have not noticed any regularity for the BCF2 criterion of lead, but for cadmium the determined fact, that the degree of bioaccumulation of the toxic element (calculated by BCF2) is considerably lower in kidneys and in muscular tissue of kids bred in ecotope with anthropogenically increased klarck, is repeated once again. We explain this characteristic with the difference between the klarck of the two toxic elements, for cadmium it is considerably higher in comparison with the klarck of lead (49,14 against 4,27).

The chemical concept about the “behavior” of nature contaminants, formulated by Tinsley /1982/, is often applied to explain the characteristics of movement of toxic elements and compounds. According to this concept 50 % of the biomass taken with food transforms in specific for the organism tissues and due to the lack of mechanisms, which eliminate contaminants, their concentration in the organism will be two times higher in comparison with their concentration in food. At the next trophic level, in case this tendency preserves, accumulation will be 4 times higher, etc. This concept is can be applied to xenobiotics and especially to pesticides.

Our research gives us ground to claim that differences regarding the movement of xenobiotics and toxic chemical elements along the food chain exist. For xenobiotics extremely high bioaccumulation values are determined (DDT concentration is 10 million times higher in the tissues of predatory fish than in water). Toxic elements are part of natural environment for both autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms. High degree of concentration at each trophic level is not determined for toxic elements as for xenobiotics. The reason for this is the effect known as substrate induction, which is determined for other factors as well.  Research shows that the increase of the quantity of tryptophan in the ration causes substrate inducement of some enzymes, amongst which is tryptophan pyrolyzate.  That is the reason why the degree of bioconversion of the amino acid considerably decreases /Baykov, 1976/. Substrate inducement changes the metabolism and processes of catabolism are activated. These changes give us ground to claim that high doses of lead and cadmium are regular stressor for the organism /increased energy consumption, decreased resistance of the organism, leading to high mortality/.   This stress influence leads to the activation of mechanisms that significantly decrease the accumulation of lead and cadmium in the examined tissues. As it is seen in our previous research/Baykov, 1995; Baykov et al., 1996/, a range exists where the increase of lead and cadmium in the ration does not cause an increase of the quantity of the two toxic elements in secondary production(used for food by people) above the concentrations dangerous for people’s health.

Results from the research of the quantity of lead and cadmium in muscular tissues, liver and kidneys of kids, bred in two regions – with normal and anthropogenically increased klarck of the studied toxic elements per 1 kilogram fresh biomass and per 1 kilogram dry weight- are presented in Table 1. Data concerning the quantity of these elements per kilogram fresh biomass is necessary because the normative documents - Decree No 12 / 2002 of the Ministry of Health in Bulgaria which is based on EU - regulation 466/ 2001 - are written for fresh biomass. Research shows that high techno-geneous klarck of the two toxic elements reflects on the quality of the obtained secondary production. The MRL of lead for liver and kidneys is 0,5 mg/kg. The determined quantity is 0,28 mg/kg fresh mass for liver from the second group of kids which gives us ground to say it is safe for human health whilst the same index for the first group of animals is 1,59 mg/kg which is 3,18 times higher than the MRL. The concentration values of lead in kidneys from the first group are very high as well – 2,2 times higher than  the MRL, whilst for the second group the quantity of the toxic element is around the MRL value.   Evaluating the quantity of lead, the highest values are in muscular tissue according to the safety regulations of the EU. The MRL is 0,1 mg/kg and the determined quantity is 0,83 mg/kg for the first group of kids which exceeds 8,3 times the MRL. In the second group of animals, inexplicably why, the quantity is 2,8 times higher than the MRL as well. Preceding regulations ought to be taken into consideration when analyzing the results (for example Decree No 5 / 1983, etc. - where the MRL of lead in muscular tissues is 0,5 mg/kg).

The quantities of cadmium in liver of kids from the first and the second groups are under the MRL (MRL = 0,5 mg/kg). The quantities of the toxic element in kidneys of kids from the first and the second groups are significantly lower   as well –0,10 mg/kg for the first group and 0,06 mg/kg for the second group (MRL=1,0 mg/kg). The MRL of cadmium in muscles is 0,05 mg/kg. The values are 0,03 mg/kg for the first group and 0,02 mg/kg for the second group, i.e. under MRL.

In order to ease the interpretation of data we propose a new criterion - criterion of safety (CS). It is determined by dividing the quantity of the toxic element (in mg) in one kilogram fresh secondary production to the regulated MRL quantity for one kilogram fresh secondary production regarding the cited documents. We got the following results: CS of lead in liver is 1.58 for the first group and 0.28 for the second group. When CS is more than 1 there is a risk for human health and when CS is less than 1 the product meets the hygienic (sanitary) requirements.

When analyzing these results according to the CS it is necessary to take into consideration the fact that this criterion has been developed for the preservation of human health, without taking into account the characteristics of movement of toxic chemical elements in natural ecosystems. The characteristics regarding the MRL of lead in muscular tissues and liver give us ground to recommend revision of some regulations and to underline that CS is a sanitary, but not an ecological criterion. The ecological assessment should include the healthy status of animals as well. Deviations of the normal indexes - animals’ temperature, pulse, respiration, and condition of the mucous membranes - haven’t been recorded during clinical examinations. We have not discovered any indications of acute or chronic intoxication as well.

This research gives us ground to make the following conclusions:

1. Differences exist between the movement of xenobiotics and toxic chemical elements along the trophic chain where primary consumers are farm animals. Because of the absence of evolutionary formed mechanisms xenobiotics intensively accumulate along the trophic chain. Considering toxic elements we observe decrease in the degree of accumulation proportional to their increase in primary production.

2. At the increase of lead and cadmium quantity in primary production mechanisms are activated for the decrease of the degree of bioaccumulation in the organisms of farm animals. Such mechanisms are known about other nutritive factors as well and are characterized as substrate induction. These mechanisms help the preservation of plant and animal community’s health.

3. In spite of the decrease of BCF, high doses of lead and cadmium in the ecotope have a stress impact expressed in high-energy expenditure per one unit secondary production and in reduced resistance of the organism.

4. When analyzing high techno-geneous klarck of Pb and Cd data and the analysis according to the CS it is determined that regardless of the evolutionary formed mechanisms for protection of ecosystem’s health, there is a risk for human health. 
















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Table1 :  Chemical heterogeneity in an anthropogenic ecosystem for production of meat with different Clarke of lead and cadmium in the ecotope





I group

II group

I group

II group


Soil of pasture

118 ± 9,0

25,3 ± 1,2

3,44 ± 0,3

0,42 ± 0,1


Average contents for Bulgaria













6,63  ± 0,21

2,0  ±  0,05

0,72  ±  0,02

0,30  ±  0,08



















5,42  ±  0,42

0,98  ±  0,24

0,49  ±  0,11

0,17  ±  0,08















1,59 ± 0,10 a

0,28 ± 0,06 a

0,14 ± 0,06 a

0,05 ± 0,01 a



5,61  ±  0,63

2,98  ±  0,25

0,51 ± 0,08

0,30  ±  0,09















1,10 ± 0,11 a

0,58 ± 0,07 a

0,10 ± 0,02 a

0,06 ± 0,01 a



3,00  ±  0,32

1,03  ±  0,18

0,09  ±  0,02

0,06  ±  0,01















0,83 ± 0,11 a

0,28 ± 0,11 a

0,03 ± 0,02 a

0,02 ± 0,01 a

a fresh tissue (mg/kg)