RNDr. Petr Rambousek, RNDr. Pavel Lhotský                                   GB 7

Česká geologická služba ( Czech Geological Survey),

Klárov 3, 118 21  Praha 1, Czech Republic


The evaluation of potential conflicts for regional planning of the mineral resources use in the Czech Republic



Vyhodnocení potencionálních střetů zájmů při využívání nerostných surovin pro krajské surovinové koncepce (abstrakt)


Úkol zadaný MPO ČR a řešený ČGS  v letech 2000 – 2003 zajistil rozpracování celostátní surovinové politiky  do podmínek nově vytvořených krajů ČR. Vznikl dokument na podporu územního rozhodování s respektováním ekonomického surovinového potenciálu území při zachování principů trvale udržitelného rozvoje, včetně využívání i druhotných surovinových zdrojů. Součástí tohoto hodnocení byla  analýza  potencionálních střetů zájmů chráněných prvků přírody a podzemních zdrojů vod. Jedním z významných výstupů byly interaktivní mapy střetových objektů a signálů potencionálních střetů. V syntéze s ekonomickými a kvalitativními parametry surovinových zdrojů byla vytvořena doporučující schémata čerpání surovinových zdrojů území. Během roku 2003 byly studie a interpretovaná data předány krajům ČR. Během dvou let používání tohoto materiálu se ukázalo, že realizace nekonfliktních a zdokumentovaných záměrů je v řadě případů závislá na lokálních zájmech a aktivitách nevládních skupin.


The mineral (raw material) policy is a summary of all activities through which the state cares for the sensitive utilisation of natural sources and the protection of its mineral wealth. This principle is a transcript of the Article 7 of the Constitution of the Czech Republic. The state raw material policy is the strategic document adopted by the Czech Government in 1999. It consists of two levels – state and regional. The project of The Regional Raw Material Policies was developed by the Czech Geological Survey and CGS-Geofond with supervising of Ministry of  Industry and Trade and  Ministry of Environment and with help of Czech Mining Authority. The project was realised for the help of newly established regional governments. The works started at the end of 1999 and were finished at 2003.

The raw material policy is also defined with the help and in concurrence with land use planning whose outputs – land development documentation and land development groundwork - can be considered as a form of declared public interest compliant with interests protected by various regulations. The raw material policy for land is one of the basic foundations of the elaboration of land development documentation.  The documentation is based on the sustainable development principle.

Our study offers economic evaluation of  mineral resources and their potential accessibility at all newly established regions of the Czech Republic. Economic evaluation is based on the market position of commodities and on their technology availability. Potential accessibility at this case consists in evaluating potential conflicts of supposed mining activities with natural protection objects, underground water sources and spa water sources.

The GIS tools were used with respect to the number of evaluated objects and to the advantage of  using digital data sources. The data were from different sources: raw materials and mineral resources were provided by Geofond and Czech Geological Survey; data of nature protection objects were granted by the Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection of the Czech Republic and by the Administration of Protected Landscape Areas of the Czech Republic; data about protection of  underground water resources were allowed by  the T. G. Masaryk Water Management Research Institute; information about protection of  spa mineral water resources were allowed by the Czech Ministry of Health. Conflict (potential risk) analyses were realised by applying GIS intersection tools. Small new areas affected by a conflict were found and in the next step evaluated according to the type and areal influence of the conflict. The results were stored at tables in numerous forms and also were compiled to the maps of potential conflicts (Fig. 1) and simple signal maps of conflicts.

These informations about potential conflicts areas and combination with land use planning informations were used for constructing schemes with recommendation of  time development exploiting of reserves of mineral resources in the region territory (Fig. 2).

These processed informations are helpful tools for decision making processes on the level of Regional Offices in the Czech Republic by opening informations about the best ways to development of mining activity to public according the Principles of Sustainable Development.


Fig. 1:  Part of  the  potential conflicts map in the Olomouc Region































Fig.2: The scheme of exploitation development of reserves of mineral resources about the year 2010 in Vysočina Region