K. K. Kaysenov, A. A. Kurmankozhaeva                                             GB 6





     Problems of the industrial using of the man-caused wastes as well as problems of decreasing exploitation losses of the ores are posed more sharply under conditions of exploiting the largest ore basins of Kazakhstan: Zhezkazgan copper, Mirgalimsay, Zhayrem and Zyryanovsk polymetallic, Sokolovo-Sarbay iron-ore and South-Kempirsay chromites deposits (exploited both in open air and underground ways). Industrial exploitation of the wastes and decrease of the ores losses are presented as a constituent part of the whole problem of the protection and rational complex usage of the mineral wealth.


     Theoretical aspects of the mentioned processes in principle concern the following problems: 1) the geological knowledge of deposit; 2) ecological economic efficiency of the technology for preparing and exploiting the ore bodies, and 3) the ore extraction from man-caused objects of mineral raw material of various complexity. As to the first problem its solution is oriented toward creating the starting basis for exploitation in the form of a model describing tendencies, rules and other peculiarities intrinsic to the geometry and deposition of the ore bodies and space statistical distribution of the main components and ore types. The second problem consists in up-dating and developing new effective technologies for preparing and exploiting ore bodies taking into account both current and special technique. The problems of the ores extraction from the man-caused objects of the mineral raw material are especially important. Their solution is oriented to create ecologically and economically efficient technology to extract the ore from the technogeneous dumps and waste formations still bearing the mineral raw material and also to prepare respective reserves left as losses in the bowels due to various man caused reasons.

     The complex industrial using of the technogeneous deposits and developing effective exploration and technological methods for that purpose are of fundamental importance for   mineral resources saving, environmental and mineral resources protection. A wasteless technology itself represents a set of technological means for the complete and complex usage of natural resources, and for minimising both waste volume and harmful substances effect to the environment.

     Wastes produced by the mining activities are of very high value for the industry: man-caused technogeneous formations, dumps of dirt, substandard ores, low grade and impoverished ores, wastes of the ore dressing and metallurgy plants, wastes of the heating power stations  (ashes, slag) etc. It is necessary to note an initial step of the development processes for using of these wastes left by the mining industry: different kinds of building materials, ceramics and asbestos-cement goods and many other products can be made. They are used as stowing material in subterranean works, in the railway and road-transport building and also for reclaiming soils, as agrochemical raw material in the agriculture etc.

     In the CIS countries during the exploitation of minerals and their following processing from ore-dressing – up to the concentrate following material is annually deposited: altogether more than two milliards of the cubic meters of different rocks and wastes of ore dressing, more than 100 millions tons of the metallurgy slag, 90 millions tons of the coal ashes and around 140 millions of tons of the caught dust and furnace carry etc.   Specific output of the rock mass represented as overburden rocks in the open pits of Kazakhstan represents in average 80 - 90% of the extracted volume of the all rock mass. In the Republic more than 600 millions tons of the rock mass (consisting of minerals and overburden layers) are extracted annually from the earth. About 95 - 98% of the extracted rock mass is stored as dumps and only 2 - 5% is used to get the useful final product. Wastes partially used for the production of the building materials, mineral chemical fertilisers, filling of the rock excavations etc. are significantly less than the annual output of these dumps. Only on the plants of the non-ferrous metallurgy of Kazakhstan about 6 milliards of tons of the wastes (75% of mining rocks of the accompanying extraction and overburden, 23% - wastes of the ore dressing, 2% - wastes of the metallurgy production) are accumulated and they occupy surface areas more for than 14 thousands of hectares.

     The harm from the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere pollution by the man-caused mineral objects is significant and often exceeds the harm caused by the emissions and waste disposal of the metallurgy factories, ore-dressing factories, mines and mining pits. In this aspect it is necessary to specify man-caused formations of the Donskoy, Belogorsky, Karagaylinsky ore mining and processing enterprises, Zhezkazgan, “Kazvolfram” and wastes of various metallurgy production enterprises volumes of which are accumulated in enormous quantities.

     The problem of developing the man-caused formations of mineral resources consists of a  broad spectrum of research. It contains a system of technological solutions and ways of the forming of the working-off of the man-caused deposits, ecological and social economical methods of their assessing and binding with nature protection measures, modelling methods   for quality and mechanical indicators of the man-caused formations, technical economic estimation of their working off and industrial usage  of the technology minimising their output. Wasteless technology and production are the most perspective modern way how to extract and process mineral raw materials permitting to solve the problem of a more complex use of the mineral resources. It is also the main factor of both the environment protection and rational use of natural resources. In small wastes production resulting from practical activities the harmful effect on the environment is not higher than the level permitted by the sanitary norms, but on the other hand for technical, economic, organisational and other reasons a considerable part of the raw materials and materials is transported to the dumps for the burial or for the long-term storage.

     One of the indispensable conditions for developing the wasteless production consists in combining technologies allowing the maximum utilisation of all elements of the incoming raw material and their consumption within the enterprises by using one kind of material for producing another kind etc. up to the complete waste liquidation.

     Main ways of the solution of the problems of the industrial exploitation of the man-caused technogeneous resources are as follows: rational ways of the receiving following useful production, keeping off-balance ores and potentially useful accompanying extracted rock masses; forming of the man-caused deposits with the optimal parameters; release of the earth resources; decrease of the environment contamination with the solid wastes, and taking off the soil, capital investments for developing new deposits at the expense of using the man-caused  raw material; partial release of the powers of the processing enterprises; substantiation of the consequences for storing different kinds of ores.

All the above stated facts allow to make conclusion that it is necessary to seek methods of how to evaluate the quality and geometrisation of the man-caused deposits, their geological and geometrical assessing, reclaiming man-caused objects, establishing technological schemes for utilising accumulated wastes (technological mapping), extraction, selective extraction and processing of different technological kinds of ores for their protection against secondary changes as a result of physico-chemical processes by temporary reclaiming their surfaces, for substantiation of the condition of the off-balance ores and useful layers in the overburden that should be stored as man-caused deposits, substantiation of their average quality on the basis of using analytical calculations of statistical indicators and mathematical prediction methods.

     One of the important directions decreasing the losses of the ores is the problem of how to decrease outputs of the man-caused formations of the rock mass during the mining process. It is necessary to specify two approaches to solve this problem of resources saving. The first approach consists in developing new effective or up-dating already existing methods of the metals extraction from the man-caused deposits, in an intensification of their usage; in increasing the efficiency of the ways of the solution of the technological objectives of the forming and working off of the man-caused deposits, social-economical methods of the estimation of the mastering of the man-caused resources, ways of their utilisation. The second approach is oriented to find how to diminish the mixing of different kinds of the rock mass; this approach includes losses of the industrial ores directly in the process of the extraction works; optimisation of the conditions for forming volumes of the man-caused formations depending on the losses, quality and indicators of the efficiency of the ore exploitation; substantiation of the optimal proportions between these parameters - indicators and progressive variants of the technology of the management of the selective extraction with taking into account the specificity of the drilling and blasting  operations and direction of the development of the rock works that provide minimal losses of the ores during the exploitation process as well as geological technological methods of the metals extraction from balance and off-balance ores.

     One of the perspective directions for utilising wastes of the rock metallurgy production is the method of the closely grouped lixiviation which as progressive method founds application in the CIS countries and recently has become competitive traditional processing of the solid, precious and radioactive elements (copper, manganese, gold, silver, uranium). Efficiency of this method is given by results of the enlargement of the raw material base of the metallurgy enterprises; reduction of the volumes of the transported raw material; diminishing of the processing costs; diminishing of volumes and areas occupied by the wastes of the production and decreasing costs for restoring these areas.

     Ore masses located in the dumps are subjects to significant change in the process of the natural factors impact. That is why in many cases it is necessary to perform geological survey works in order to account and estimate mineral raw materials in these dumps. The recommended method of the operational metering of the lost substandard ore masses, extracted and stored apart during the exploitation process is based on the identification of their initial indicators by an instrumental survey and samples testing of these stores. Practice of separately storing the lost substandard ore masses representing mix of the lost ore and adding to it layer or ill-conditioned (base) ore in local mines shows the possibility how to organise the lixiviation and storage of them during the exploitation. Costs for the process of storing irrevocably lost ore masses are compensated at the expense of the extracted value in case of their usage in the future at the expense of new mining and ore processing technologies.

     Industrial wastes as an enormous source of the mineral raw material represent a potential ecological threat. According to research data annually in average up to 100 kg of the dust is blown from one unit of the dump surface (sq. m) into the atmosphere and around 2,5 tons from one hectare of the surface of dry tailing dumps.

     Necessity of the radical scientifically based developments and solutions of the problem of usage of how to use wastes of rock-metallurgy productions is especially important for Kazakhstan where broadly developed mining and processing fields require rational extraction and complex usage of mineral resources.

     Approximately up to 70% of the industrial wastes contain useful components, silicates etc.  Such wastes of the rock working when used would have been absolutely inefficient very rarely. In the Republic the stocks of the wastes of the rock mining productions and rock mining plants and factories are enormous.

     We have evaluated the efficiency of the industrial exploitation of technogeneous man-caused mineral wastes left by the previous mining activities by using dynamics of the changes in the net mining cost in dependence on the lost ores and wastes.

Optimisation model of the interrelationship of the net cost of exploiting 1 ton, net cost of the discharge of the overburden and output of the excavator is received as follows:




where: KBC - coefficient of the increase of the net cost of overburden (tg/t), KП, Kr – coefficients of the losses and mixing the ore (proper unit); Qсм - shift output of the excavator (thousands of tons). Empirical parameters a, b, n, c on the absolute value differ for various deposits and depend on actual value of the net cost of the mining, overburden, losses and impoverishing of the ores, output of the excavator and dynamics of their changing in the appropriate segments of the deposit.

     As it is seen from the obtained estimations, the consequences of the effect of quantitative and qualitative losses reflect the value of the prime cost of the exploitation and man-caused mineral wastes. Therefore the change of technical economic indicators of the enterprise shown in its activity is worthy to be represented as the economic consequences:


     Estimation of the generalised prime cost of the ore mass extraction under conditions of the Donskoy quarries based on the statistical analysis of actual mining indicators is as follows:



     The net costs of the man-caused dilution poor (Tрб) and substandard lost (T нт )  ore masses are equal:




where: Cдоб and Tрб are net costs of the mining and overburden respectively (tg/ ton), Cтр , Cскл, Cхр – respective net costs of the transportation, storage and keeping of man caused waste (tg/ton).

               From this we obtain:



The model of economic consequences of expressed varieties of ore masses under conditions of the mining pits of Donskoy taking into account the above-mentioned formulas is expressed by the following equation:





where: a, b, c, d – statistical parameters of the dependence (a=139,23; b=1,58; c=0,01; d=2,09).


After a further reorganisation the multiparameter model for expressing the consequences caused by technogeneous sorts of ore masses outputs in the course of exploitation of the chromites ores looks as follows:



               Its simplified form is as follows:



Where:      Iпор  output of the overburden dirt (appr. unit);

 - value of the output of man-caused impoverished –ore mass base  ()  that is part of the mining (appr. unit);

  -  value of the output of ill-conditioned  lost ore mass ()  that is part of the overburden (appr. unit);

 Tт  - sum quantity of the kinds of the man caused mineral wastes (Tт= Tрб+ Tнт) in the mining of the chromites ores (thousands of tons).

     As can be seen from the obtained multiparameter model (8), the efficiency of exploiting deposits of valuable ores is directly influenced by outputs of the mineral technogeneous wastes and ores lost during the mining process. Ecological consequences caused by technogeneous kinds of wastes change proportionally to their values, and they also increase with the increasing growth of their net costs in the course of the exploitation process.