Ryzhov V.P.*,  Ryzhova L.P**, Hakurate A.M.***, Kuzmin M.B.*, Krasavin A.G.*

Moscow, Russia

*Institute for the Problems of Complex Development of Entrails of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

**The Moscow State University of Geological Exploration;

***The Moscow Mining University




     A unified methodology for assessing the level and for analyzing the state of the arrangement of geological, mining and technological processes at ore fields is absent because of unavailable normative methodological documentation. That hampers to perform operations connected with the optimization of management processes for grounded and efficient selection of the both exploitation and exploration technological system in their complex development. Management solutions have a great destructive force with huge damages. They may be inefficient and detrimental because of ungrounded goals, insufficient resources, unspecified interrelationships, multivariate character of the solved problems etc. Selection of particular technical solutions and efficacy of exploitation works intimately depend on the quality of geological, technological and economic information got by the previous exploration. Unconfirmed exploration data result in huge economic losses when suspension, re-dislocation of exploitation operations, shortening ore mine service terms, imbalance in left and put in capacities occur. Exploration and exploitation parameters are interrelated and therefore a multivariate analysis of approaches in search for the optimum economic effect solutions is needed. Concrete economic-mathematical models practically for any productive system are currently absent. Therefore the requirements of  the optimal development and functioning of productive systems need to develop economic-mathematical modeling systems from geoethical positions. A systemic approach – interrelated with quantitative assessment and qualitative analysis of the productive technological structure of a geological and mining preparation - allows the metallurgic enterprise to detect and realize the reserves of enhancement in efficacy and optimization of exploitation exploration in a complex development of ore fields.


     Recently the problem of reassessing raw material base has appeared taking into account conjuncture of mineral raw materials, abrupt rise in the price of energy carriers, materials, transportation, change in social, economic and other factors caused by transfer to the market conditions. 


     Rise in demand for raw materials, increase in explorative operations expanding geological results of previous extraction operations, complication of mining-technological processes, perspectives by flanges or by deposit dipping stimulate development of mining enterprises. Old enterprises are reconstructed, new capital developments pass, preparation plants are modernized or amplified by modern aggregates, power base and social sphere are strengthened etc.


     Revision of technical-economic grounding by current and future prices taking into account high power capacity of mining and processing production results as a rule in cutting balance reserves of mineral resources down to 30-70% from those accounted by the state balance.


     The world statistics suggest that for a majority of mineral resources per one unit or large field there are several tens of small objects, but due to relatively low content of mineral resources in such fields, a large funding should be required for their exploration and productive development. Decreased level of prices for some color and rare metals and vice versa a sharp rise of prices for noble metals, attention to the possibility of exploiting small fields has increased - first of all in the case of gold ore and polymetallic fields. The tasks of determining the borders of small fields, capacity of small mining-preparation enterprises, specifying exploitation testing information based on probability and statistical methods resulting in a significant increase in efficacy of ore deposit development are the main problems requiring scientific and technical-economic study.


     Currently the use of a flexible system in studies attains actuality: formation of demand in mineral raw materials that will be determined by reasonable sufficiency principles; management by technological processes and parameters in the predetermined time regimen; efficacy of applying and using automotive technological equipment; correspondence of possibility and necessity of developing a particular field.


     In order to achieve these goals, the ways of the most rational functioning and perspectives of upgrading ore mines must be marked. Therefore, detailing ore fields that cause the need to determine peculiarities of mining and geological conditions, parameters of sites and options of the development systems by geological and technological mapping are of interest (using geometry of entrails based on mineralogical assessment of a field that gives a concrete selection of the economically justified and ecologically clean technologies from the point of view of geoethics).


     Current international practice - based on the time price of money concept - provides for estimating efficiency of capital input by conducting and bringing together capital invested by the present time and cash flow.


     The methods of determining input and output cash flows are considered on the following examples: purchase of machines and equipment substituting hand labor; introduction of advanced automotive machines for mastering technological processes; comparison of machine park replacement options by different types of machines when several modifications are suggested on the market. Thus currently - when compiling business plans - fixed capital renewal must be assessed based on comparing input and output cash flows for the whole period of realizing investment projects.


     Application of different options of development schemes in underground working of ores may lead to the quality failure of extractable value of recovered raw material due to conducting drilling-explosive operations in breaking ores. Mechanical method can serve as an alternative to this breaking method but its productivity is much lower.


     Diversity of mining and geological conditions of ore fields requires a thorough analysis and making weighted decisions caused by a high value of extractable raw material, selection of rational development systems and ethical attitude to geological environment.