Babaev V.V., Dyachuk V.V., Lizanets A.V.

Ukrniigas, Ukraine




            Dialectical contradictions between the man - the user of the entrails of the Earth - and the environment become increasingly clearly defined with the civilization progress. The range of variations in the ecological situation expands so intensively that a grave threat to life existence on the Earth arises. The quantitative and qualitative variations of natural factors become threating and may cause a global ecological crisis. Thus the question of the environmental care progressively comes into play on the present stage of the mankind development. This is an unavoidable process and a balanced existence of the biosphere depends on it. V.I. Vernadsky wrote: «If mankind has became the determining factor of the biosphere evolution and it cannot exist beyond biosphere, it is due to assure the trend of its development and then mankind will provide its future». It is particularly difficult to realize this aim on the background of sometimes diametrically opposite political, ideological and economical principles during the conflict of morals, standards and dogmas in people’s consciousness. Specifically, the manifestation of the predatory treatment of nature is evident in many examples of intensive production development and of oil and gas industry.


            The Earth sciences - and geology above all - are liable to put the ponderable contribution to solving mankind’s global problems on the basis of changes in personal and social consciousness and in a new societal mentality forming. According to A. Schweitzer, «Ethics is the boundless responsibility for everything, which is living».


            Cultivating a high mentality in entrails exploitation and hydrocarbon deposits in particular is, in our opinion, among the most important tasks of oil and gas geology. The predominant part there, undoubtedly, is possessed by a new science - the geoethics.


            Geoethics above all can be perceived as a science about a highly moral human interaction with Earth resources, the ethical behavior of man since prospecting during exploration, exploitation of hydrocarbon raw fields, to transportation to consuming and treatment sites. Neglecting ethical standards - when solving practical tasks - is widely caused by human insufficient moral training, by his underestimation of interdependency of processes in the «noosphere» and their mobile equilibrium.


            Oil and gas geology by virtue of its specificity has an effect upon the environment because it is a source of different waste products during many stages of the industrial production and the rate of its influence depends largely on the morality of the appropriate specialists.