Russia - Czech Republic



Geoethics as explained for an Encyclopaedia





     For many people geoethics is a completely unknown or only poorly known discipline. The concept of geoethics continues to be crystallised. Especially the regular meetings to this subject at Příbram (since 1992) and in Moscow (since 1997) as well as Special Symposia at the International Geological Congresses (since 1996) have been serving to this purpose. On the other hand any "official" definition has not yet been approved and for this reason some differentiated concepts have to be tolerated.


     Thanks to the initiative of Genrietta Senatskaya an item on geoethics has been prepared for the Encyclopaedia to be published in Moscow in both Russian and English version. This item can serve also as an issue for a general discussion at the Příbram meeting - usually attended by highly experienced people from various parts of the world. For this reason we present the English version in the Symposium Proceedings.


     The only difference of the English and Russian version of the item consists in the references (respecting differing availability of individual publications). The references given at this occasion represent a combination of both original versions, furthermore some documents and papers from the recent period have been added.


     Critical remarks, comments and personal ideas will be highly appreciated (also after the Symposium by mail or e-mail - addresses of authors given at the end).


     The authors thank to Dr. Isobel Clark for revision of the English text.




Authors: G.S.Senatskaya, V.Němec


     GEOETHICS (from the Greek gh - Earth and  htikh - morality) - a set of moral standards which are to be used when utilising the geosphere. Geoethics was established as an independent scientific field in 1992 when in the Czech town Příbram an international meeting of representatives from five countries took place under the aegis of the symposium "The Mining Příbram in science and technique". The Czech scientist Václav Němec is author of the term "geoethics" as well as founder of this scientific field.


     Geoethics - born at the junction of ethics (science about morality and moral standards) and geology (science about the Earth and its resources) - has been accepted by scientific society (both earth and social sciences) because any correct use of natural wealth is inconceivable without a proper ethical attitude to it and to the whole geosphere. Geoethics - accordingly to V. Němec - is to be developed with regard to all specificities of Earth sciences as well as to social responsibility of their representatives.


     At the initial period of developing geoethics as a new scientific field the notion of geoethics had to be defined. E.g. M.A.Komarov (with his co-authors) considers geoethics as "the attitude of the man and the society to the geological environment in various aspects of its appearance". In the view of G.S.Gold geoethics is a field studying "possibilities of applying ethical principles and standards in activities" concerning the field of mineral resources. From the point of view of present global problems N. Shilin has formulated the conception of geoethics. Taking into consideration the works of V. I. Vernadsky - founder of the noosphere (i.e. the brain sphere) as a new Earth (or, rather, planetary) sphere - the author explains that the noospherical way of thinking makes it possible to realise geological and ethical role of the mankind in transforming all other Earth spheres. In such a context geoethics - accordingly to Shilin - unites the complex of ethical problems connected not only as a whole with both geological science and its practical applications but also in particular with the use of mineral resources. In any case all investigators agree that geoethics incorporate moral principles with special regard to the Earth as a geological body as well as a social and economic object in all varieties.


     The development of geoethics follows differentiated principal ways: theoretical aspects (G.Gold, N.Grigoryev, M.Komarov, L.Němcová, V. Němec, G.Timčák, A.Trembecki and others), applied geoethics (V.Babaev, L.Němcová, L.Ryzhova, I.Stočes and many other authors), social and ecological geoethics (N.Grigoryev, G.Senatskaya and others), methodological, educational, moral and religious, cultural and also economic and other aspects of geoethics (A.Gaydin, G.Gold, V.Gur, L.Němcová, V.Němec, G.Senatskaya and others). The danger of exhausting the Earth resources (and especially mineral reserves) is among the most important global problems of the mankind. From the point of view of the problem of how to use natural wealth - and in particular how to exploit the non-renewable mineral resources - the role of geoethics is of substantial importance. E.g. when evaluating mineral reserves in individual deposits the geologists use the so-called resources index (in years), i.e. they show for how many years the explored reserves will be available to the users in given exploitation volumes. And here an ethical (geoethical) problem arises: how, when and how many mineral raw materials are to be exploited in order to assure the use of Earth resources not only for those presently living but also for all future generations because finally these resources belong to the whole of mankind. When limiting the solution of this problem only by economic and ecological approaches then - accordingly to N. Grigoryev - the freedom of choice for future generations is also being limited, but that is contradictory to moral principles. Geoethics can serve as means of influence over consciousness of people: as a stimulating motivation to create technologies that take into consideration economy of resources; ecological aspects and sustainable development all over the planet; to a complex and reasonable use of resources; to search for alternative (renewable!) sources of raw materials and energy; and to prevent critical ecological situations. Methods applied by geoethics are the same as in other fields of knowledge: education, cultivation and culture that lead substantially to forming harmonically developed personalities able to find responsible solutions and to make responsible decisions based on priorities of spiritual and moral values common to all mankind.





The Mining Příbram Symposium, The international section on geoethics,  Proceedings and Abstracts volumes, Příbram, Czech Republic, 1994, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2003

30-th and 31-st International Geological Congress, Beijing, 1996 - Spec. Symp. 21.3, Rio de Janeiro, 2000 - Spec. Symp. 26.1 (Special Symposia 8.3 and 8.4 in preparation for the 32-nd IGC, Florence, 2004)

III-rd, IV-th, V-th and VI-th International Conference “New Ideas about Earth Sciences”, Abstracts, section "Geoethics", Moscow (Международная конференция “Новые идеи в науках о Земле”, тезисы докладов, секция Геоэтики), 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003

Grigoryev N., Holistic Approach to Geoethics (in Russian: Григорьев Н., Холистический подход к геоэтике). Ibid. Moscow, 1997

Němcová L., Geoethical principles of social responsibility (in Russian: Немцова Л., Геоэтические основы  общественной ответственности). Ibid. Мoscow,1997

Němec V., To the problems of developing geoethics (in Russian: Немец В.,  К проблемам  развития  геоэтики). Ibid. Мoscow, 1997

Němcová L., Němec V., Geoethical applications of the 10 ethics management tools. Ibid. Moscow, 2001

Shilin N. Geoethics and Noospherical Way of Thinking (in Russian: Шилин Н., Геоэтика и ноосферное мышление). Ibid. Moscow, 1997

Němec V., Němcová L., Geoethical Backgrounds for Geoenvironmental Reclamation. In: Geoenviromental Reclamation - Internat. Symp.- Oxford & IBH Publ.Co., New Delhi, 2000 - ISBN 81-204-1457-8

Němec V., The International Development of Geoethics. - In: Funkcjonowanie i rozwój organizacji w zmiennym otoczeniu II - pp. 99-102, WSM Legnica, 2002 - ISBN 83-913465-9-5

Němcová L., Němec V., Spirituality in Management and Sustainable Use of Mineral Resources. - Ibid., pp. 103-106

Němec V., Mineral Deposits as Ethical Category. In: Funkcjonowanie i rozwój organizacji w zmiennym otoczeniu III - pp.16 - 19, WSM Legnica, 2003 - ISBN 83-913465-9-5

Senatskaya G. Geocreationism and geoethics (in Russian: Сенатская Г., Геокреационизм и геоэтика).  In: Soznanye i phisicheskaya realnost (Сознание и физическая реальность), vol.2, №4, М., 1997



Authors Addresses:

Dr. Václav Němec, K rybníčkům 17, 100 00  Praha 10 - Strašnice, Czech Republic - E-mail:;

G. S. Senatskaya - E-mail: