Lidmila NÌMCOVÁ   

Prague, Czech Republic





   When regarding encyclopaedias and dictionaries many various definitions about spirituality can be found. Very often it is considered as sensitivity or attachment to religious values or as a practice of personal devotion and prayer. Nowadays in a civic society the term of spirituality is very often used even without any religious context.


   The Man consists of both material and spiritual components and in this context the purely material aim of entrepreneurial activities (profit) should be complemented by another fundamental point of view: all activities should be considered also as a service for other human being. Anybody should also ask what is the reason and sense of his work and make a fundamental spiritual (or cultural) reflection of his activities.


   Such an approach is very important for managers on different levels. When speaking about ethics of any company the role of managers includes also - besides their pure professionality - creating ethics of the company which is connected with its culture and influences the life inside as well as outside the company. Obviously the ethics influence the image of the company and ensure more harmonious conditions for the work. Confidence, moral climate etc. are of paramount importance. It is possible to calculate additional costs for the company when ethical principles are not being fulfilled.


   Nowadays the management of the top managers is often called as a leadership. Such an approach seems to emphasise more the personality of leaders and especially their role and responsibility inside and outside the company (including public interests). As to the ethics leader should have a vision and he also has to attract for it all employees. He can initiate and create the ethics of his company, suggest ethical codes and incorporate a systematic control of their functioning. Social and ethical audit, ethical training, hot lines, control of quality, ethical discussions etc. can serve to improve the ethical dimension of the company. All this could not be realised without any spiritual reflection of leaders.


   For managers and leaders in companies operating in the field of geology and mining industry all above mentioned forms should be complemented by the increased attention and respect to the mineral resources. New relations to the Nature are needed and various decisions concerning problems of the environment protection, of using non-renewable mineral reserves etc. are to be made. Sometimes it seems to be unavoidable to develop new ways of thinking and to establish new scales of priorities. The ideas of geoethics can help in an appropriate orientation. New trends accentuating spirituality in management offer an opportunity to reflect spiritual backgrounds in the new discipline - geoethics.  


   Specific geoethical aspects are to be incorporated into any decision making when any needs and real possibilities of a sustainable use of mineral resources are to be considered. Decision-making processes at any level should be accompanied by the personal and corporate responsibility for any possible consequence of any decision. The ideas of the German sociologist and economist Max Weber (1864  - 1920) are valid until nowadays. Various recently developed theories (e.g. corporate citizenship, stakeholder theory etc.) can be successfully applied in the practical life including geoethics.   


   Challenges and risks resulting from the actual practice generate geoethical dilemmas for the coming century and millennium. They have to be labeled satisfactorily clearly. Individuals and institutions must be ready to solve them efficiently. The principles of the human partnership, solidarity and sustainability should be used as a spiritual basis for solving geoethical problems. The earth scientists are responsible to create instruments for monitoring and controlling both transnational and local political maneuvers that might result in heavy dangers for the life of future generations. Nonetheless any management at any level should be responsible to use these instruments.  





   Moral and specific geoethical aspects are to be incorporated into any decision making when any needs and real possibilities of using mineral resources are to be considered. Future needs of the mankind must be respected anywhere. High responsibility to future generations is to be cultivated not only among earth scientists and mining engineers (for solving any scientific or technical problem connected with the use of non-renewable resources) but also among managers at any level of the society making correct long-term decisions concerning mineral economics and policy. It is evident that "spirituality" is not any void term.





Nìmcová. L., V. Nìmec: Spirituality in Management and Sustainable Use of Mineral Resources. - In: Funkcjonowanie i rozwój organizacji w zmiennym otoczeniu II, pp. 103 - 106, WSM Legnica, 2002. - ISBN 83-913465-9-5